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Tis the season….

Well, it’s May and that means …. to quote SpongeBob Squarepants…


“The party switch is in the ON position….” only he says it like OOOOHHHHHHNNNNNNNN….not that I have watched it…many….many times ….


We headed to Minnesota this weekend to celebrate…

IMG_4696First; the beautiful and sweet graduation ceremony of 30 homeschooled students, including our nephew, Grant.

I can’t express what it was like to see these parents stay within the two minute time limit to attempt capturing what this moment meant to them.

Very tender.



Each had the well-deserved honor of handing their grad his or her diploma….

So glad I stuck an extra pack of tissues in my purse <3

Then on to the party…


We had a great time celebrating <3

On the drive back to the hotel, we stopped at the mall and yes….

we messed with Sasquatch…


Then it was time to hit the hay with a sleepover in Lola/Papi’s room for Spiderman…


Up and at ’em early…we headed to another celebration…IMG_1970

Our other nephew Sam was confirmed after a year of teaching and study with his pastor.

Again, we were so blessed as Sam shared what the preparation time had meant to him as he spoke from his heart, along with the other members of his class.

And I can’t leave out this lovely girl…


our niece, Olivia.

It was….as Graham put it….


The best day ever!!!!!……. all over again <3

Thanks for stopping by! Have been loving seeing all the grad pics and baby dedications…the start of wedding season…all of these milestones tug at our hearts and speak of the richness we have in sharing life together with our fellow travelers.

May God bless you today with an awareness of His love expressed through the love of your family and friends <3




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  1. I love all your pictures you share. Graham and Emmitt always make me smile! Have a great day, Laura, and thanks for sharing your journey! I look forward to it every morning before I start my day! ❤️

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