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Some randoms because we are all just way too busy…or at least I am today <3

Random #1:

Best laid plans…

Yesterday I made a list, checked it twice.

Prayed over it.

Lifted it up.

And dove in.

And pretty much every errand ended in a dead end or a U-turn.

But along the way I saw soooooooo many people I know.

Caught up here and there and was impressed over and over again with how God is using ordinary people and ordinary lives to do extraordinary things.

Random #2:

A few weeks ago we had Graham and Emmett overnight. One of the activities was making seed and peanut butter feeders for the birds.

This is the only photo I have of that activity since…as I mentioned….Graham…Emmett…knives spreading peanut butter on pine cones…outside…with birdseed…everywhere.

After we got them hung, they stood at the window and watched for what seemed like F.O.R.E.V.E.R. in their time frame and no takers.

Possibly the birds were rather stuffed from the nearby remnants of the cornfield and soy bean harvest.

Well, undeterred, they concocted a plan to advertise.

I am sure the birds were relieved to find out we wouldn’t be charging.

We ended up with about a half dozen of these taped all over the sliding glass door.

I just took them down finally today, although I am saving them in case I get asked where they are next visit.

Random #3:

The cards are almost finished.

The house is trimmed to the extent it will be for 2017 and the boxes are all back in the storage closet.

I took an inventory of the gifts purchased so far and was delighted to find my list is just about finished.


It’s only Tuesday.

So I will just carry on with my bad self and keep chipping away at the last of the list.

How about you?

Are you feeling like it’s coming together?

I hope so.

Have a good day and maybe I will run into you out there, somewhere <3



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  1. I love the persistence of the boys waiting on the birds… reminds me once again how I need to be more intentional to listen for the voice of the LORD. Bless you for your ministry.

    1. Persistent is a good descriptor for these two <3 And I agree...we would all do well to stand at the door like they did and watch for those birds to come <3

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