
Be careful what you pray for =0)

Based on yesterday’s post (and I DO put in to practice what I preach)….I started out the day with a new determination to pray without ceasing for WHAT I was doing in addition to praying without ceasing FOR anything that came to mind while I was doing it.

Well. I am here to tell you; it was a productive and good day all around.

Oh, there are things that didn’t get checked off the old list, but progress was made and I even have clothes set out for tomorrow. I am scaring myself ….

All this praying and thinking on things of God while I did my chores bore some fruit for sharing.

At least every few days I do a total cleaning of the bathroom after I get ready. I wasn’t always this diligent, but we recently had our bathrooms remodeled. They look so nice and new I want to keep them that way.

I still marvel at these lovely rooms that were crafted for us. I can’t even remember what the old ones looked like.  And it makes me think how you and I are made into new creations when we come to Christ.

But day in and day out, we get some build up from that “working our sanctification out” process.

And then there is the fall out and junk from the world we walk through that can accumulate on us.

Like a newly remodeled bathroom; if we don’t stay on top of it, eventually it’s hard to tell there was a transformation. It starts looking pretty much like the old one.

I find that setting aside a certain time each day to read God’s Word in meditation and study, plus having  some solid prayer time, is essential for maintaining both relationship and discipleship with Christ.

I do mine first thing in the morning, because that is the best part of the day for me to give Him. I know some of you have a VERY early start to your day, but even just a little Scripture and prayer at the start of the day is so important to set the tone.

But don’t stop there!!

I also have a variety of devotionals sent through email that, almost without fail, seem to speak directly into my circumstances as I move through the day.

But all of these are nothing if I simply read them, nod my head in agreement and head on back into the world unchanged and unmoved by God’s spoken Word to me.

That would be like setting the cloths out on the counter in the bathroom and walking out the door. I have to apply the tools to keep things clean.

Jesus said that we are to clean the INSIDE of the vessel – what’s in our hearts and minds. And the only way I know to do that is by digging in to His Word and opening my heart and mind to His instruction, correction and cleansing.

Of course we know that nothing we do – prayer, study, works – saves us. It is only God’s grace that saves us. But we are admonished to …..

add goodness to our faith…and knowledge to our goodness…and self-control to our knowledge….and perseverance to our self-control….and godliness to our perseverance…and brotherly affection to our godliness….and love to our brotherly affection.        2 Peter 1: 5-7

May God bless you as you continue to seek to know Him better <3

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    1. I hear you on that! I really have to do this every day because left to my own devices, I accomplish so very little!

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