Randoms for a sunny Thursday here in God’s country <3

It’s Thursday and seems a good day for some randoms, so here we go in no particular order.
Random #1

This little dude turned 7 this week. SEVEN!!!
Somehow being still almost a baby when his sister surprised us in one of God’s greatest miracles and answers to prayer ever, we lumped him in with her and have just kept him little for a few years longer.
Sigh….the years have wings <3
Random #2
I graduated from a round of physical therapy on my knee that just persists in going off the rails every few months. Since I was googling ways to help a knee that is prone to inflammatory arthritis flairs and all signs pointed to PT, I went back to the place that helped me post-meniscus tear repair in 2021.
While I still had a mild flair of swelling after our marathon bike ride and soccer weekend, the stiffness is definitely not inhibiting and I do not have pain around the joint so I am calling it a success.
Woot! And let’s hear it for health care workers that know their stuff and help us be active and mobile and as healthy as we can be.
Random #3
This is just a funny from our Emmet, and has made me laugh all week.
We picked them up from school one day in our car since only three were coming home right at the bell. Used to navigating the interior of a van, they adapt so sweetly and piled in with three enormous backpacks, lunchboxes, coats into the smaller back seat of our Camry.
We have less than five minutes to commute from school to their house, but as we were driving along, we hear Emmett ask so earnestly, “Does anyone have a flat surface I could work on?”
I laugh every time I think of it. He wanted to get going on his homework. But seriously…they barely had room to hold their stuff and he’s looking for a desktop.
Oh my gosh. Kids.
Random #4
I am gathering stuff today for our fall women’s retreat this weekend.
When they suggested we have some breakout sessions for the ladies, I thought it would be fun to do a creative journaling workshop.
Well, I have enough material in my head for a six week course and they have given me an hour.
But undaunted, I press on.
Maybe I have a little bit of Emmett in me as well.
Random #5
Our fall bucket list is almost completed.
I could say “mine” but it involved roping family and friends into a lot of activities. I plan to share more about it tomorrow so I can encourage you to pull one together for the holidays.
Blessings and have a great day.
Enjoy the sunshine.
It’s good for the soul <3