Journey Updates

Just a musing <3
Happy Friday! The other day it was warm and I was able to take my first longer walk of the year. A clear blue sky offered the perfect tableau for planes passing over the prairie. Their jet streams kept crossing. Russ likes to send me photos of crosses in the sky so I smiled thinking…

Wednesday = Randoms <3
Randoms on a day with a full schedule and not much time. Ignore trying to make the photos make sense. I am in a hurry and just putting up what I think works to go with randoms. If you don’t get it, scroll on friend. Here we go: Random #1 That being said. The bit…

And suddenly, it’s February <3
We have already turned the first calendar page of the year. To me, January has flown by. I worked on my journal a little bit on Friday to prepare for the new month. Thought I would share a bit of it since I mentioned in January that I am trying to be more focused on…

January book review <3
I have seen a lot of memes lately about today being January 45th or referencing what a loooonnnggg month this has been. I laugh because I appreciate good humor even if it doesn’t apply to me. I have enjoyed January. We have loved attending basketball games and watching them on TV. When there isn’t a…

When puzzling through a problem…don’t settle for close enough <3
I have been working on a jigsaw puzzle off and on for a solid year. Plus some. Russ purchased a 1000 piece puzzle featuring various photos from the movie Elf for me. John gave me a puzzle board that I can work on and then fold and tuck away to clear the space when needed. …

Randoms for Wednesday <3
Randoms for Wednesday Random #1 Wednesdays have always had a special something about them. Maybe it is the halfway point factor. Maybe it is that the actives of my schedule are usually kind of fun. Maybe it’s the name; as a child, I loved the name Wednesday because I would think Wed-nes-day when I said…