
A curious thing

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think so…when I am shopping, for the most part, I don’t question the purveyor of whatever item I am buying. Sure I try to shop small business, even if it costs a little more. And I buy in my own community instead of outsourcing my dollars to the internet or another town if it is available here.

But basically, I don’t ponder and research the beliefs and integrity of the store, manufacturer or owners.

So why is it when I consider donating some Christmas money to a couple of ministries, I get all suspicious. I read the letter and the areas of need…and then I find myself on the internet checking out the ministry…wondering if they are legit or mishandling funds.

I guess it is because I expect the clothing and home decor industry to be out for a buck.

But I want to be sure that when I donate to an organization that says its helping keep little girls safe or providing a goat to a family; all of that is really going to happen. That the money is really going to help those who are tugging at my heart.

Or is it because I don’t want to be taken for a fool. I don’t want to have supported a ministry only to find out several years down the road that the funds were misused for private wealth of the leaders.

I finally decide that if I’m not cynical about the rest of my spending, I need to go with the discernment God has given me and sow into the ministries that He has laid on my heart.

As we shop for our family and friends (as well as ourselves…if we are honest) this holiday season, we can’t afford to NOT be generous with those who so desperately need our resources. Yes, we want to be wise in who we give money to.

There are scams out there that hide under the veil of doing Christian ministry. But there are many others that are making a difference in places that I can not reach in person.

What ministries are tugging at your heart? Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and sow into one or two.

God bless you as you give, generously and in faith  <3






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