A glimpse from the journal on the journey today <3
I am on Day 24 of the Redeemed study by Angela Thomas-Pharr and I am feeling like the little exercise I just did might bless someone else today so…here you go <3
On page 117 she has a list of “You Are’s”…promises of God for those who are Redeemed….those who have received Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD of their lives.
The assignment was to read through the list and then select four passages that stood out and expand them to hear what God might be showing me.
Since I have a tendency to chase rabbit trails and get distracted in my distractions, I wrote out a prayer first and just asked God to use a Holy Highlighter for me to key in on the four He would like to talk about this morning.
I love how He knows me…cause He let me have five…but one of them we were able to combine.
I prayed for the working through of the Scriptures to transform me. I hope it works.
Here are my 4/5:
God’s promise: I am promised abundant life
The passage: While the enemy of my soul comes only to kill, and to destroy and to steal…Jesus Christ has come to me to give me life and to redeem and to restore John 10:10
My assignment: To realize that everything the enemy has attempted to do to take away God’s blessings and anointing in my life, Jesus Christ has given me super-over-the-top-excessively-more-than-enough-plus-beyond-that. And to live like I believe it. **and let me add here…the struggle is real and the journey has it’s ups and downs. Honestly addressing those struggles is part of our refining! So when we have to work out that refining…we have NOT failed!!!! God is with us through it all! Just because we share honestly about those days when this is a hard truth to apply, we are not being hypocrites and we have not backtracked…we are just a work in progress…praise God!
God’s promise: I am chosen to bear fruit for God
The passage: I am a believer because Jesus chose me. I bear fruit for Him because He chose me to bear fruit. And the fruit I bear because of this, will last. It will have meaning and purpose because of Him. John 15:16
My assignment: Steward faithfully the Word that I am His because He chose me – chose me to belong to Him and to bring about much good for Him and to know and believe that whatever I do in His name and for His glory will last and it will matter.
God’s promise: I am being helped in my weakness
The passage: I have no idea what I am doing most of the time, even though my heart’s desire is to bring God into every setting. So His Spirit in me prays through me, comes alongside me and those deeper prayers that provide the current for my feeble and often ill-informed, emotion driven ramblings …. that’s God’s Holy Spirit…God’s very mind and heart…wrapping itself around my child-like thoughts and prayers and forming perfect prayers that bring about God’s will in me and for others. Romans 8:26-27
My assignment: I have help constantly in my weakness and humanity. I seriously don’t know how to pray rightly on my own – but the Spirit comes along and helps me – prays through me. He knows the mind of God and He knows my limitations and He prays and works through me <3
God’s promise: I am filled with a spirit of love, power and self-control and I am supported by my Advocate, Jesus Christ
The passage: God has not given me a spirit of fear and doubt that marked my unsaved self, but He has given me His Spirit. Thus the spirit that rules in me is
Love..His kind of Love…not my kind of preferences
Power…His kind of dynamite power that raised Christ from the dead…that kind of power;
Self-control, so that I am not a slave to my wants, needs, thoughts and feelings….
and all of this is bolstered by Him who sits at the right hand of God on my behalf and speaks up for me to Him. 2 Timothy 1:7 and 1 John 2:1
My assignment: When I am filled with fear, doubt, anxiety, ineffective and negative thoughts…those times are NOT from God.
The Spirit that dwells in me and sealed me and guarantees Christ’s redemptive work for me and in me and through me….also FILLS me with the ability to love in ways that I can’t. He gives me power that isn’t mine and He enables me to have control over my wandering thoughts and self-indulgent tendencies and old patterns of thinking and reacting. And when I mess up, and forget, and take more steps backward than forward… which I do and I will continue to do until I am called Home, I have One who stands in the gap for me and speaks assurance and forgiveness and reminds the Father….
this one…belongs to Me.
I hope you are blessed today by the Word of God and His promises to YOU…
We can’t know them if we don’t read about them in His Word.
He has given us everything we need to live fully in the gifts and blessings of His inheritance through Christ.
Bless Him by believing the promise of His blessings on your life <3