A little organizational trick

I was having a chat with our oldest grandchild about doing things you don’t like to do. For him, it is mostly related to school work and for me, housework. It isn’t the actual task but more about getting started. Both of us know what needs to be done and we know we can do it, it’s just getting motivated to start that is the struggle.
If you have been around the Journey any length of time, you know this about me. It is the reason I make all kinds of lists and set timers. Self talk is another huge part of the process. Little pep talks throughout the day are crucial to keeping me on task.
The problem with list making is that the amount of things I want to accomplish is huge. So today I am sharing yet another way I incorporate lists and timers to knock some things off and feel productive.
This method is one I like to call “What are you going to regret not having finished at the end of today?” I typically write this list right on the weekly calendar that lays open on the counter.
I start by writing down chores I have been putting off, things that absolutely need to be done and some things that I would like to have time to do but keep avoiding until I get my work down. This would include reading, knitting, working on a puzzle or a craft/creative project I have been wanting to start.
Once I have the items all written down, I set a timer for 20 minutes and start at the top of the list. When the timer goes off, I move on to the next item. As I work down the list, if I complete something before the 20 minutes is up, I get to mark it off and move on the the next item to finish the time. Dealers choice if you want to continue with that one for the next 20 or just move on.
Surprisingly many of the items are completed in the 20 and I think…Why, oh why do I put things off?
For sure I will get at least a few scratched through by the end of the day. Overall, it keeps me on task and I find I work faster which eliminates the dreaded over-thinking.
An ideal week is one where I have several days with bigger pockets of time to keep working on that list. But even if it is just one day that I can devote to the work required, I find this method breathes fresh air into me and the success of completing a few things is a great motivator.
If you don’t struggle with this, God bless you.
You have been given a gift. Use it graciously and humbly.
If you do struggle, you are not alone, my friend. Remember to do some creative things to change it up, get fresh air and drink plenty of water.
And be careful how you talk to yourself. You are unique and one of a kind and God loves you <3