A Shamrock Tale <3

Just time for a brief story today and I have been looking through photos but apparently I was so traumatized and embarrassed by what I had done, I didn’t take any from the unfortunate incident recently with our beloved shamrock.

Russ gave this to me our first or second St. Patty’s Day here in this house and it is the second longest plant I have kept alive here.
Periodically this sweet little fellow blooms unexpectedly and gives me such joy. But bloom or not, it is a constant delight.
I learned from this one that shamrocks fold up their leaves at night and open each morning to greet the sun.
It is like every morning for years, a sweet reminder that God’s love gives us peace at day’s end and His mercies are new every morning.
But sometime in October, I was overzealous with watering and I about killed my little friend.
I must have gotten off on days or gave it an extra drink when we were traveling and one morning I saw the signs of a very sick plant.
When I pulled the container off the shelf I could see water sitting in the top so I began leaving in the sun all day and I would put folded paper towel in to absorb the excess moisture.
Throughout the day I would replace the bandages and pray cheer it on.
A week or so ago, I added some dirt to the top and was encouraged to see signs of new life.

And this morning as I opened the blinds to the patio, lo and behold…blooms.
A shamrock loving friend has prayed us through and I was able to send her a text of the good news of recovery.

All along it has occurred to me that too much of a good thing is not good.
Plants need water, but they need the right amount.
Soil is needed, but not too much.
Sun is important but so is the night for rest.
It reminds me of the Rules of Life series at church.
Not rules that have be followed, but the right amount of disciplines to keep our roots healthy, our leaves flourishing and every once in a while, a glorious bloom to delight those around us.
Seems fitting to leave you with an Irish blessing:
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.