
Best Way Ever <3

We were blessed with a shower or two overnight here in our area.

Much needed!

As we scanned the skies, praying the cluster on the weather radar wouldn’t blow too far north of us;
I thought about areas, here and around the globe, where droughts have been going on for years.

Prayers lifted for those we know who so badly need rain for livestock, food and their own drinking water <3

Last Wednesday, on the Journey Onward website, I talked about a series that Grace Covenant Church in Austin is doing.

Each day you
1. read a chapter of Proverbs
2. select a verse to memorize
3. translate the verse into your own wording and attach sometime of story or picture to it
4. write it down and put where you will see throughout day
5. watch and see – observe life going on – for you and as you watch others and look for this truth lived out

In the sermon introducing this way of studying Proverbs, Matt Cassidy assured us that we would begin to notice these truths played out around us as we focus on God’s wisdom.

I had to chuckle when in the early stages of starting this, I found these words from A. W. Tozer in my morning devotions:

What is wisdom? It is the skill to achieve the most perfect ends by the most perfect means. Wisdom is the ability to see the end from the beginning, to see everything in proper relation and in full focus. It is to judge in view of final and ultimate ends and to work toward those ends with flawless precision. from The Attributes of God, Volume 2

Basically…it’s the Best Day Ever….in the Best Way Ever.

And I can tell you right now…left to my own devices…it is never going to happen.

I think of the girl that does my hair every 5 weeks.

Working from all sides with skilled hands and the correct tools, she “perfects” my hair. She knows what the end result is supposed to be, the kind of hair I have and how to maneuver it around to be pretty much flawless.

Russ will compliment and ask me if I will be able to recreate that tomorrow.

Heck no.

I can’t get my hands around to the back of my head with the brush, dryer, curling iron…etc etc etc….the way she can.

Whatever those bottles of spray and such are that she uses as she works….I don’t own.

I will approach my hair like I have every morning of my life…

with limited skills, perspective and equipment….

and a wing and a prayer.

It will be hit or miss on the outcome, but it will most assuredly not look like it does on salon day.

Perhaps a shallow example, but I hope you get the point.

I do not have the ability to see the beginning from the end for my day, the people I will encounter, the situations I am navigating, the global mess, my neighbors issues…you name it.

I am not looking at it from the angle of eternity.

I don’t know and can’t know how all these things and people intertwine and how one thing influences another.

I can’t know what is going to have happened by the time my head hits the pillow at 10 PM tonight…or even if it will…

So if I want to live wisely, I need to seek counsel from the only One who can and does…have the PERFECT perspective…the PERFECT knowledge…the PERFECT motivation to help me and guide me and lead me as I make decisions throughout the day.

Tomorrow on the blog, I am going to share a couple of very practical ways that I am seeing this work out in my own life during the disciplined study of the book of Proverbs.

Hope to see you then…

but in the meantime…

may God bless you as you study His Word and learn to apply it in your own life <3

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