
Blessed are the patient…because we have no other choice….

Blessed are those who wait patiently, for the Lord will surely send help one of these days…okay…that’s not Scripture, I just made it up. 

But that is my Monday at this moment. 

I somehow tweaked my back and was able to get in to see the chiropractor at 9:45. Which would have worked to post about out trip as promised, but I also had a computer update and besides the fact that they replaced the precious picture of our family that was my screen saver with a bright orange abstract flower thing, it is taking a sweet forever to open up any software as it’s all been…updated to make my life easier. 


So instead you are getting a kind of grainy picture of the view I had when I opened our back blinds this morning. 

I filled the feeders yesterday and moved them into winter bistro position for the birds, and look who showed up! 

The cardinal couple who have lived in our magnolia for years are sitting at the ground level. All the other ones are feasting away and dropping sunflower seeds for them. 

Hello winter. 

We see you and we embrace you.

I will attempt to get my travel log together later today to post tomorrow. 

But no promises…there are forces working against me. 

God bless you for whatever it is you are waiting patiently for. 

He is good and faithful and kind. 

That I can guarantee you <3

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