Christmas Countdown 2013 <3 Day 10

Four green tubs down………..
Eight to go…….
I got the garland on the porch with no small amount of angst. It involved a trip to three stores to find zip ties. The garland ties I bought were not long enough. Neither were the zip ties. So at 4:30 PM, as the wind chill was akin to what they are experiencing on the tundra, I was on our porch attempting to combine zip ties in such a way that they would fit around the railing. Did you know that zip ties have to be inserted in a certain direction in order to work? And while most minds might be able to remember once they were successful in attaching a set, I had to re-think and go through the whole figuring out process for all 9 of them. Or 18 in zip tie extension numbers.
Then there was the warning label that came with the garland. Apparently, something in the wiring of the lights has been found to cause cancer and I was encouraged to wash my hands after handling the garland. So as my fingers froze and were exposed to carcinogens on the front porch, I was filled with remorse and concern for the workers in the plant that actually handle these all day long. Needless to say, a large number of people in China were prayed for and will be prayed for throughout the season because I can’t look at the garland without thinking about them.
And, again, I say…..isn’t that what Christmas is about? We are a mixed up world, a mess of huge proportion. We need a Savior. He is Christ the LORD!