
Christmas Countdown 2013 <3 Day 18

IMG_8387The porch has been the final frontier for Operation Christmas this year. Russ did remove the corn and orange bows from the lights last week. And the shell wind chime made its way into the house as well.

But the bundles of fresh greenery remained piled by the steps and the gi-gando roll of ribbon sat on the counter. Day after day, they mocked me; reminding me that I needed to make four bows so I could deck the lights and get the sled out of the shed, thereby completing the front of our house. You know, the only decorating anyone outside of our immediate family will probably see for the entire season. The part that announces to the world that we are celebrating Christ’s birth. The pressure to complete this has been intense.

And what was the hold up? My inability to launch projects. I simply didn’t want to make the bows. And I shouldn’t have to. I made bows for this last year. But I couldn’t find them. And so the front porch remained a work in progress, like most things around here.

And then yesterday at 4:15, I got disgusted enough with my procrastination that I grabbed the ribbon and decided to forego pretty bows and just attach the greenery with those amazing zip ties and use the ribbon like a hair bow around the lights and greenery.

With a burst of adrenaline, I did the two lights on the porch and stepped back. Simple, effective and done! Yay.

Before moving on to the lights outside the garage, I decided to wade through the snow to the shed and pull out the already decorated (thank goodness!) sleigh. As I removed the plastic….voila! I discovered I had attached the bows to the sled last year so I wouldn’t lose them. Genius.

I added these to the lights and the whole thing was finished in less than 20 minutes.

Why, oh why, do I put things off??? They never take as long as I would think. Sigh….

So, here we have itIMG_8388


Including this year’s addition of the toboggan of doom from my childhood…..


This could explain the deterioration in my lower lumbar region….

But I smile when I see this tucked inside……like me, this is an antique!



May God bless you as you finish projects, pull out treasures from the past and make memories with those you love!


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