
How much until we break?

IMG_8932All day, the sleet and rain have continued.

IMG_8928All day, I have prayed for the safety of different family members making their way to or from work.


All day, I have listened to glass shards hitting against the windows. And I have prayed for road crews and line men and first responders. All day.


All day I have watched the ice build until the trees bowed. And finally broke.
Broken from the weight of something they were not meant to bear.


All day the sound of cracking limbs and breaking ice has shattered my nerves and rattled my mind.

And I think how brittle my own heart becomes when I forget that I was not made to bear my burdens alone.

Come to Me, all you who are heavy laden….come to Me, all you who are starting to bend under the weight of icy burdens…..come to Me….and I will give you rest.

Take My burden on you, the one I meant for you to bear today; for My burden is light and My yoke is easy.

Not care free. Not painless.

But eased because of Him that yokes Himself to us. The burden shared by the One who gave His life for us.



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