
Just checking in on a Tuesday <3


We seem to be having a streak of cold and gray days here this week. I posted a little Instagram picture last week of one of my favorite trees that I only got to see in full color one time before the wind stripped it almost bare. 

That’s the thing about Fall that may just be why it is so charming. It might be that it seems to last the shortest of all the seasons. Summer and Winter here in the Midwest last F.O.R.E.V.E.R 

Spring seems to come with the rainy cool and the beginning of buds that time release their blossoms over an extended period. But a long Fall is a rarity. We have them every now and again and relish several weeks of gorgeous color bursting along the sides of the road and what hills we can muster here on the Prairie. 

This one, it would seem, decided to short change us and we can blame 2020 but it does happen more often than not. I already pulled a puzzle out to work on. Hot tea has reentered my afternoon scheduled break. Yep…the season is officialyl in transition and I am winter prepping. 

But we still have the decision of how to safely hand out candy this Saturday because the powers that be have not canceled trick or treating in the midst of rising numbers of Covid. I just don’t want to be another dark house that night, so we have concocted a plan to fix little bags and a sign that pleads…please just take one…and setting up a table out front for those who are braving the night. 

We also have an election coming upon us, in case you hadn’t heard….and I am for the first time ever contemplating early voting. I read a devotion posted by a younger man this morning speaking about how hate, half truths, attacks and sucker punches seems to be the acceptable form of campaigning and it makes me sad. He asked what we thought might happen if a candidate just told the truth and spoke with kind words of hope and love. I think they would crucify him or her. 

Oh wait. 

They did. 

I have seen signs suggesting Jesus for President but I just thank God He is not a politician. He belongs to no party. He does not lead a democracy. He is not elected. He was sent. To save us and to lead us.

He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and if you are getting overwhelmed or discouraged you will find His words of teaching to be the Way, the Truth and the Life. 

Amen and amen.

Have a good day. 

Drink something warm, find someone to encourage, remember you are loved <3

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