Let it shine…

Merry Christmas Eve!

Last week I was dropping something off at someone’s house in the late afternoon. Stepping into the foyer, I could see their Christmas tree through an archway into the living room.

Having just stepped from the cold, damp December day into the warmth of their home, it caught my eye and I exclaimed how beautiful their tree was.

She laughed and said it was actually horrible looking. Worst tree ever. It only looked good when it got dark and they turn the lights on.

Ours is like that. All the strings and wires and empty places. A mish-mash of ornaments, each with its story hang out amongst uneven branches.

But when night descends and we plug it in…breath taking.

And so are we, you and I, much like these trees.

In the glaring light of day, with all our flaws and humanity hanging out there, we look pretty unremarkable.

But it is in the dark places, that the light of Christ shines brightest in us. Through us.

And we are transformed.

From ordinary to extraordinary.

Not because of us…oh no…we are much like those wilting trees.


No, it is His light in us that illuminates.


Shine on, dear one. The world is, indeed, dark and weary.

It is now, more than ever, that they need the Light, the Hope, the Spirit of Christ.

He IS Immanuel….God with US

May God bless each of you this Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 2014 and may the Light of His Life shine through each of you <3

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