Randoms … and then it’s off to conquer Wednesday…or just survive…one of those <3
Happy Wednesday!
I am running late…per usual…so some quick randoms.
Random #1
I noticed a note in the margin of my Bible recently that I thought was share-worthy and now for the life of me, I can’t find it.
I debated if that meant I shouldn’t share…but decided nah…I’m going to share what I remember of it.
Basically my thought was that we tend to more interested in empowerment than conviction sometimes.
Without having a single Scripture reference to back me up, I am quite certain God is more interested in us holding each other accountable and building each other up in the faith than He is in our personal egos.
Random #2
Sometime next week a wonderful woman, who is gifted in the area of technology where your’s truly is sadly lacking, is going to be doing some work on this site.
We are getting a little spring cleanup on it and just tweaking some of the ways it looks…not too much…just enough to be a refresh. Every year since I started this I have tried to add something that invests in what I believe God has given to me as an unexpected gift…a place to encourage people and share some life and fun and thoughts.
So this year, we are getting updated a bit and I am excited and hopeful it is a pleasant change for you and for me.
That being said, I am not sure if the site will be down during this time, so if you come and visit and I am not here, keep checking back. As always you can subscribe and get posts in your inbox so you will know when it’s back up and running <3
Random #3
Speaking of subscribers and inboxes.
I get a notice when this gets sent out each time and it’s running an hour later now. Turns out the server that does the emails is located in Eastern Europe with no Daylight Savings time change.
Which prompted me to pray for them and also to marvel that we are finally perhaps realizing we don’t need to change our clocks twice a year. We can actually just function with the sunrise and sunset the way it is.
Random #4
I got inspired to do an art project with the kids and what I want to share about it is going to take too long so come back tomorrow and I will tell you about it.
Random #5
My devotion this morning was about how our troubles here are “light and momentary.”
I never like verse very much because it takes me awhile to get over having things that are extremely painful be called “light and momentary.”
But as always, the author of this devotion did the hard work of helping me remember…this is only in comparison to what is to come.
Because what will be so far exceeds in intensity what we struggle with today, we can have hope. So we don’t pretend we aren’t hurting, or a country is under siege by a ruthless tyrant, or we aren’t sure how we will face a current situation that is knocking the breath out of our spirits.
We just move our focus from the overwhelm to the what’s to come and that inspires the HOPE that keeps us going now.
Bless you my friends.
God wins.