That Essential Oil Thing…
I have to admit when so many people were jumping on the Essential Oil bandwagon, I kind of rolled my skeptical eyes and thought it was a gimmick.
But in desperation to somehow relieve my husband of having to listen to my incessant propensity to snore…which I still don’t believe I do…because, seriously…I never hear me snore…
I purchased a diffuser.
I mix a concoction of water, peppermint, eucalyptus and lavender and plug it in before bed.
Inside the gizmo, something makes the water get all vapory forcing a thin smoky looking wisp of scented cloudiness to rise up out of the hole on top.
Am I getting too technical?
The end result is, we have a faint smell of herbally stuff going on and Russ says my snoring has been minimized to just an occasional snort…
So yay!
Did you know you and I are diffusers too?
We are.
It says so right there in 2 Corinthians 2:14…
Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ…
and through us…
diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place…
Imagine that for a minute.
Picture your little self, all filled up with Jesus today…going around your office and your home, the school…the grocery…wherever…
and this heavenly-scented vapor of King Jesus and His Glory just rising up out of you.
Precious, right?
And it is…except I need to remind you that not everyone will love the smell of Jesus coming off of you.
In The Message, Eugene Peterson gives us the full impact of the rest of this passage….
In the Messiah, in Christ,
God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade.
Through us, he brings knowledge of Christ.
Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance.
Because of Christ,
we give off a sweet scent rising to God,
which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an aroma redolent with life.
But those on the way to destruction treat us more like the stench from a rotting corpse.
Because, while that fragrance of Him that I smell on you reminds me of His amazing Grace extended to me and brings me great joy, it is a reminder to the spirit of those not in Him that they are still separated from His Mercy.
Oh child of God…
follower of Jesus Christ your LORD…
you cannot adjust how the aroma of your Savior will be received by those around you.
But know in your heart today…
if He lives in you…
if you abide in Him…
you ARE…
spreading the essence of the most Essential Oil this world needs <3
And let me just tell you…
you smell…
to Him <3