Third Sunday of Advent 2016 <3

This morning our class will begin to explore the book of Zechariah…they (hopefully) have been reading through it in preparation.

I have been reading it and listening to it and I am excited to study it with this sweet group in the coming weeks.

The repetition has helped get it into my thinking and pondering.

Located near the end of the Old Testament, these fourteen chapters are richly filled with promises of God’s mercy and love, His justice and discipline and prophecies that have been fulfilled mixed in with those yet to be seen by our eyes on earth.

Written 100 years plus BEFORE the 400 years of silence, how the people of Israel must have hung on to the words of the prophet when no Word came from God for so many years <3

How precious are these words now more than ever when the shouts of this world strive increasingly to quench the Voice of the Holy Spirit to our weary hearts <3

I pray today we would open up our spirit ears and hear the Word of the Lord calling through the ages the Promise…..terrible things will happen on earth. Horrible things that we see unfolding before our eyes surrounding Jerusalem…but we know Who wins <3

WATCH, for the day of the Lord is coming soon!

And the Lord shall be King over all the earth. In that day there shall be one Lord – his name alone will be worshiped. 

And Jerusalem shall be inhabited again, safe at last, never again to be cursed and destroyed.                       selected passages from Zechariah 14

I am pulling phrases out…never a good idea or sound for teaching…but my hope is that you would open the book of Zechariah and dig in for yourself.

Study the word of God and anticipate the return of the Lord.

He loves Jerusalem.

He loves His people.

We who love Him through Christ have been grafted into His family.

Let our hearts be filled with love for the things He loves.

Let us eagerly listen to the prophets that He sent and to His Son who provided the way for us by setting aside His Glory and becoming like us.

He that knew no sin, became sin, that we might become the righteousness of God.        2 Corinthians 5:21 <3

Are you ready for Christ to come?

Are you eagerly watching for His return?

God bless you as you ponder His Word…

as you worship The Living Word….


God with us <3



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