Wrapping up another week…
We started out this week with thoughts and remembrances of 9/11.
Like you, I have read other’s thoughts and watched some touching videos this week commemorating the 15 year anniversary of that day.
I also thought about the trip Russ sent me on with our two daughters to New York City for Spring Break in 2008.
Our first day was a trip to Ellis Island to see the museum and show them their great great grandfathers’ names my dad had engraved on the wall of immigrants.
For the return to our hotel near Broadway, we decided to ride the subway for only a short distance and walk the rest of it so we could see as much of the city as possible first hand.
As Rachel navigated us with a map, we walked through various districts and then realized that we would be able to pass by Ground Zero.
We had walked a long way by the time we encountered a massive wall of plastic behind tall fencing.
With noses in the map, we continued around this barrier…checking street signs and landmarks attempting to find some kind of indicator marking the site of the tragic event.
As we continued to follow the fencing and the plastic, Rachel commented that it should be right where we were standing.
It was.
Seven years after the attack on the Twin Towers, we peered through the edges of the black screen of protective material, down into this enormous hole in the ground.
Men and machines were working deep down in the pit of it.
Looking across the expanse was mind-numbing.
The area of devastation was massive.
We looked up around us at the glass skyscrapers.
We walked the circumference and finally found the temporary display that had been set up by the subway entrance.
Seven years.
All around this scar of pain, the city had resumed and mended it’s exterior…but the remnants of the great loss were limping along.
Time does not heal all wounds.
Only God heals all wounds.
Take the devastations of your personal 9/11’s to Him and allow Him to do what only He can do.
God bless each of you this weekend.
I pray you know His healing touch in your deepest places of pain <3