5 Randoms to end the week…
Because Mary and Martha are having a tug of war in my head … which happens every year about this time…
Mary wants to sit at the feet of Jesus and meditate and ponder…
Martha wants to get the house decorated…
and she spends waaaaaay too much time digging through those green tubs of decorations and looking at Instagram pictures….
so this morning here are 5 quick thoughts and prayers for you as you make your way through the weekend <3
2. I am getting a kick out of the Elf on the Shelf pictures on social media and am thinking these young moms and dads are extremely clever. I am also a bit thankful that we had no such addition to our Christmas agenda because I definitely would have gotten involved in staging the elf to a degree that would have been unhealthy for our family.
3. I struggle with the knowledge that December 25 is not the actual birthday of Jesus and that the manger didn’t really look like a barn in the Midwest..
and how we have managed to add so much other stuff around it. I attempt to keep it all sorted out in my mind; along with wanting to have people in and yet spend time alone with God… and not being materialistic but having fun shopping for friends of family…and how to give my people space and yet have them home… Those things and a myriad of other questions about the state of the world in general make me question if I use the pretty parts of this season to try and forget the ugly parts of the times.
4. I warned you this would be random.
5. We went and got our tree which is encased in mesh webbing and stuck in a bucket of water leaning against the empty boxes from the kitchen remodel. Martha is not liking that one little bit. Mary is wondering why we even have a tree….
So there you have it…where I am today.
Probably much like you.
In one hand I have a list of things I want to do to show my family and friends how much they mean to me.
And in the other a newspaper that daily reports on a chaotic and confusing culture and a whole lot of people talking and analyzing it like if we just get enough information and details we will all be able to make sense of this sin-filled world.
And I wonder how much more bad news we can take before we stop letting our hearts shatter and we grow cold…
Thankfully both Mary and Martha…and you and I…know…there is only one answer ….
so we wait…and we ponder…and we pray…
As you sort through your own thoughts this weekend, I pray you find your balance in Jesus Christ. I pray you enjoy the traditions that make up the season for you and I pray you find quiet moments to meditate on ponder on why He came.
God bless you as we ….. journey onward <3