
Joy Multiples Part 2….

This will be short because I have been gone from home since Sunday morning, driven home from St Louis today, gone to lunch with a friend, gone to the doctor, donated blood and well….that’s a lot for a gal like me.

But I had to share a moment.


This is our Sarah, sitting beside one of her students who is playing in her first public appearance. Note the *proud father filming off to the side.

And imagine, the *proud mama that was picturing a little girl in a plaid skirt, white blouse and big old hair bow playing Mississippi Hot Dog on her violin on the steps of the grade school stage here in Soy City….all the way through to a beautiful young woman in a formal dress performing her senior recital before her college graduation …and all the concerts and ages and stages in between…..filming the whole scene from a folding chair in a gym in St Louis.

Joy multiplied. Joy upon Joy….

*there are those who have corrected me when I use “proud” with parenting….there is a pride that exalts itself above God, but we are limited in the English language and this is no pride goeth before the fall kind of proud….this is heart in your throat, how in the heck did God trust us with His creation, wondering how we made it through, humble praise of God for the privilege and gift of being someone’s mom <3








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  1. It looks like you had a good time with Sarah and made some precious memories. I love the picture of her sitting with her student while “dad” films. It really touches my heart.

    1. It was all pretty sweet. Hard to explain how full the heart can get! Felt the same when I came out of the bedroom Easter morning and saw that Rachel had made an egg hunt, put out the baskets and had egg casserole in the oven! oh my! <3

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