
Joy multiples

I am sitting on the couch in an apartment in St Louis. Our daughter, Sarah, had a gig at a venue here last night and her birthday was Saturday so it seemed only right to come and spend some time with her and Daniel.

Late last night as we were getting ready for bed, I showed her some video I took of some of the songs and then kept going back in the camera til I hit the pictures of Easter.

Things like…..

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and Sarah asked me a most insightful question.

She asked me if it was like watching our own three; did I remember those days as I lived in these.

It is precious to me that she perceived this and could name it.

Yes, yes I do.

In her asking, she put words to exactly how I feel. It is like I am watching these little guys running around and super-imposed on the whole scene are images of their mommy, and Tia and Uncle John. I can hear those little voices in my heart. I see them in their jammies, hair askew, running around as we hunted eggs, ate monkey bread and egg casserole and then hurried to put on our finest and head to church.

Layer upon layer of memories. Joy multiplied. IMG_0171


As I had watched her on the stage earlier in the evening, my camera recorded her for Russ to see, but my mind saw all sorts of images. Concerts, recitals, hours of practice in our living room and now a grown woman making her way in the music business. All of the images and memories stacked one upon the other in this heart of mine.

Joy, multiplied on JOY <3


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  1. Sounds like the perfect day! Great picture of you and Russ with the grandchildren! 🙂

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