Consistently Inconsistent

Consistency. That is what I am striving for.

Consistency in writing. Consistency in taking care of the house. Consistency in exercise.  Consistency in preparations for teaching each Sunday. Consistency in devotional life. Consistency in maintaining relationships with family and friends.

And everything this year has worked counter to that for which I strive.

Every day, every week has taken twists and turns that were not anticipated.  So while I strive for consistency, it seems the pattern of my life is consistently inconsistent. But,  I can still strive for it , even if I CONSISTENTLY miss the mark.

On a day when things seemed to be falling apart on all fronts mentioned above, I wrote this prayer.  At least I was consistent in writing that day….

Lord, nothing can take Your place in all the world, including in our hearts, minds and spirits. You WILL contend with THAT which contends with US! Praise be to the God-of-Angel-Armies <3  I lay down my frustrations today at all that keeps getting interrupted, changed, delayed and train-wrecked, because I know that I am in Your will – and all my days are planned by You. Not a ripple comes across my life that you did not toss the stone or allow it to be tossed. I surrender to You in the circumstances of today. I surrender all.

What are you striving for? Hold fast to the hope that is in You when it takes a great deal of energy to stay the course! He is faithful! He is CONSISTENT!

Bless you!


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