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A lesson I need to play on repeat …. <3

Just a quick thought and not original, but one I read in my devotions this morning. It is something I know, something I hear often and yet something I need to be reminded of almost hourly. Maybe you are like me and so I am passing it along. 

We are not our circumstances. 

Our value and worth are not what is going on currently in our relationships, settings, health, finances or any other number of situations. 

When things are going well, running smoothly and life is full of good things, that is not our identity. We are not “blessed” any more than when things are rough and hard, when we seem to be spinning our wheels or buried under some heavy things that weigh us down. 

In those times, we are still blessed as children of God. We are loved and cared for whether it feels like it or not. 

Cloudy, overcast skies? 

Still loved and blessed.

Sunny blue skies with a light breeze? 

Still loved and blessed. 

The thought that carried me farther though was that I need to remember this when I look at other people’s lives.

Perhaps this is why God doesn’t want us to compare or covet someone else’s circumstances. Because having the bounty we perceive as belonging to someone else would add nothing to His love and care for us.

In the same way, having something terrible someone else is dealing with would take nothing away from who we are in Him. 

When we belong to Him, we already have all we need in that space. 

Nothing can be added or taken away from the fullness of that. 

Like Paul, we can learn to be content in all circumstances because having much or little, ease or trials, did not change who he was and what he had in Christ. 

Blessings on your day – whatever it brings.

I pray you know and live in the peace and love of Christ that is in you which can never be diminished or enhanced by anything of this world <3

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