A quick thought to end the week <3

Just another thought on this daily meditation exercise on the Lord’s Prayer.

Usually when I pray, I pray singularly.

I pray for others, but from my perspective.

I do pray in groups but even then it is me praying as an individual for the needs of others.

So as I have been writing out each line and then pausing to pray and meditate on what they mean, it hit me.

How the Lord Jesus said…when asked how to pray…this is how you should pray, My followers.

Our Father…

Give us…our daily bread

Forgive us…

As we forgive…

Do not lead us…

But deliver us…

God really is big into unity and relationship and community, isn’t He?

The way Jesus taught us to pray is as if we are all together in this.

And we are.

Changes everything, doesn’t it?

To know we are not alone.

He has placed us in His family and we have each other’s backs.

You have mine, I have yours and He has ours.

It’s a good plan.

Be blessed to know today that you have been prayed for and I will see you on Monday <3


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