
As you make your way today don’t lose sight of what you are doing…and why you are doing it <3


Today, if you venture out into the world,

you will most likely be surrounded by at least one heated debate…

one comically inspired take on the current political scene…

one opportunity to take offense and one opportunity to offer offense…

one conversation that leaves you passionately entwined in solidarity…

and one that makes your blood boil.

And more likely you will experience MULTIPLES of all of the above.


So here’s a little soul food to fuel that heart of yours before you head out into the battle.

I was reading in Mark today and found this lovely little reminder of what Jesus ministry was about.

Is about.

In Chapter 3, Mark tells us about when Jesus set up his support team for the campaign He was about to embark upon.

First He went up to a mountain.

Not to vacation…

not to strategize…

not to plot how to spread an agenda…

but to pray.

Mark writes that He then called those He wanted.


He called those He WANTED…and they came.

And I could just sit there and ponder that one for quite some time…

if we have come to Him, it is because He CALLED us…and WANTED us.


Then He appointed twelve that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to…


and to have power to heal sickness

and to cast out demons.


the number of completion.

The number of the tribes of Israel.




messenger who is commissioned to carry out the instructions of the commissioning agent.

And the instructions they were given.

These men who had come because they were wanted and called.

Preach the Gospel, the Good News of the Kingdom of God…

and to access the dynamite Power of Almighty God to ….

heal the sick…

and cast out demons.


Not social reform…not a way to make us all feel good about ourselves so that we can be empowered to do what we want, when we want, the way we want…no…

the GOOD news of the Kingdom of God, coming down to earth through the One who set aside His Glory to walk among us and teach us and then take my sin, your sin, the sin of the world upon His sinless body and pay the penalty for us….

and to use the power that He has given us to

heal the sick…

and cast out demons.

Seems like a pretty good platform to me.

Now let’s go out there and do the thing <3




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