
Because I just noticed

A rainy day and I am working on a meal and more unpacking of boxes.

I took a break with a hot cup of tea and I have been reading through the gazillion emails that didn’t get read while I was packing these same boxes just a few weeks ago.

Lots of devotions and meditations that I subscribe to.

And one of them, like most of them, starts with a Scripture…and my mind is kind of dull and sleepy with the rain and the quiet around me.

So I read the beginning words kind of paying attention…something about “Why were you looking for me?”…

and I half think Genesis…the garden…God looking for that famous couple that was hiding somewhere.

But then I look more closely and another part of my brain kicks in with the crazy encyclopedia of facts and details that are crammed all together in this brain that loves to analyze the living daylights out of E.V.E.R.Y. conversation EVER.

Even as I continue to read the passage, my mind is rolling on to the fact that Adam didn’t ask God why He was looking for them…this can’t be Genesis and then I realize…

It’s another famous couple but this time they are doing the searching.

Joseph and Mary running all around Jerusalem looking for Jesus.

In Genesis God went looking for man… and then He waited until just the right time to send His Son…

so we would go looking for Him <3

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