
Christmas Countdown 2013 <3 Day 25!!!


So….after 24 days of caramels, today’s tin had ……. a caramel ….


…. a teeny tiny gift card to Starbucks….so cute!!!


It’s here!!! Christmas Day is here!!! 

Yes, I am actually that obnoxious about Christmas morning. You would think with only one adult child home to start the day, I would have toned it down. But no. I didn’t. I had to make myself go back to sleep at 5 AM. Thankfully our son is still enthusiastic about Christmas morning, or at least tolerant enough of my exuberance, that he texted me at 9:21 to know if it was time for stockings …bless him! (Yes, he was upstairs. In our house. What did we do before texts?) I was annoying as all get out when he opened his stocking. He threatened to cease removing items if I didn’t stop saying, “Santa must have known you like_________”

One of the sweetest treasures of having grown up children is the transformation from receivers to givers.

What a blessed turn around! Who knew?? After years of anticipating their joy as we watched them open our gifts to them, we now are humbled to see their excitement as we open their gifts to us. There is something about the fact that they thought about us, about what we might like and then having them seemingly more interested in that gift being opened than what we got for them…I don’t know….it’s pretty sweet <3

I pray you have some delights that are warming your heart today!

I hope you have had time to worship, time to reflect, time to fellowship, time to rest. I hope that your hearts were touched as ours were at the Christmas Eve service last night. I hope you got to sing Silent Night or some other song that is special to you. I hope your heart is tender and joyful and quietly aware of God’s tender mercy wherever there is any sorrow or pain.

I pray you are blessed and know that you are loved so much. Merry Christmas!



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