C’mon Lola…you gotta try!
Happy Friday!
Spent time with these yahoo’s this week…
We took advantage of the bearable-to-burn-off-energy temperatures and played a little golf…
which, apparently has different rules now…
And I had a first-ever lesson in strategy for Tic-Tac-Toe from a five year old…
because I have been skillfully LOSING at this game with him ever since he could hold a crayon and draw an X and an O.
I work hard at losing and acting disappointed when he wins yet another game.
But this week, the little guy lost interest in winning and became quite earnest in teaching his Lola how the game is supposed to be played.
In frustration, after I had lost to him multiple times, he blurted out….
C’mon Lola! You gotta try to block me!
He began drawing sample games and showing me the different ways to effectively thwart him from winning.
Then we did a few practice rounds.
And then he cheered for me when I applied the lesson and beat him legitimately.
He might just be growing up on us…
But slow down little man…
let me let you win a few more games…
let’s cherish each day for all it’s worth <3