Day 7 Christmas Countdown 2022

Welcome back for Day 7 of the Countdown. Sorry if you had trouble getting the website yesterday. Long story short, when I shared the link for our church sermons on Monday – apparently I copied and pasted the link from the text instead of directly from the internet page and the web didn’t like that. No harm – the site was and is safe and secure…many apologies if I scared you. I scared me more.
The tree in the picture is one I snapped inside the state capitol of Tennessee today (yes, I am actually writing this a day early. Please forgive me.)
We toured it today and have been enjoying a visit to Nashville since Sunday. Tomorrow we get up very early and head back home, so I am writing this to be ready to send before we leave the land of wifi for the drive home.
Today is a special day as we remember the birth of Russ’s mom. She has been gone since March of 2015 and we all still miss her so very much.
She was truly the kindest woman and never in a hurry or rush. Calm and reassuring with dancing blue eyes that were a shade I had hoped at least one descendant would get, but alas, we have not seen.
My favorite Christmas memory of her was the first Christmas I spent with the Reimer family. Russ and I were not married yet, but we were engaged.
I felt so at home with his family and enjoyed Christmas morning so much, but as we were picking up the wrapping paper and stacking gifts I remember her saying that she felt like she should probably say welcome to the family and to their Christmas but it just felt like I had always been a part of it so it seemed odd to say.
Her words and the heart behind it were the best gift she could have given me.
She treated me like one of her own from the start and her unconditional love for me as a new member to the family gave me confidence and peace.
Her attitude toward me influenced my life greatly as we opened our home and hearts over the years to others our children would bring into our family settings, meals and family room.
I am so thankful for her and the son she was mom to. I called her Mom from the beginning and she was just that to me. I cherish the memory of our first Christmas together and am thankful for the years I had to be her daughter-in-law.
Have a blessed day <3