
Found another one I like…plus the pictures…<3


So as I was looking through posts, I scrolled way back and found this one from October 24, 2014. I am adding the same pictures in that I used that day and feel like this prayer works just as well eight years later. Also, having said that, I suddenly realize this blog is NINE years old…I need a math tutor.

Send recommendations asap.

Here is the post from October 24, 2014


In rearranging our house this past week, I have come across a number of treasures…one being this prayer I wrote in January of 2007. It strikes me that it is much needed for the Church as we approach January 2015…ok….I need a moment to take in how it’s almost 2015….ok…I’m good….

So….based on Mark 11:22-25

A Believing Prayer for Healing and Restoration in the Body of Christ

Heavenly Father, Almighty and Awesome God; Jehovah – I AM. 


Raise my eyes above the circumstances that threaten to consume my passion for You. Father God, I confess my tendency to become distracted away from pure devotion to You.

Relationships are so vital to me – having them and keeping them. Preserving relationships with others becomes my passion and obsession.

Lord, I agree with Your Word that says You are a jealous God, that there can be no other god in my heart and mind and life and spirit.


I agree with Your Word that says I can make an idol of relationships. Lord, I want nothing to do with idolatry.

I know and agree that any worship other than the worship of the One True God is idol worship and even more detestable, it is worship of Satan. I take this warning today to heart.

In all the conflicts and struggles, contentions and strife of our relationships, Lord, may I be like Paul and Silas. May my heart continually be in worship before Your throne – day and night, without ceasing until I close my eyes on this earth. Thanks ever be to God that when I open them in Heaven, I will worship before the Throne of the Living God for all eternity!


Lord, I do not desire to rise above these circumstances, but for my praise to rise above them.

Be exalted in my heart! Be exalted in my mind! Be exalted in my spirit! Be exalted in my life!

Be exalted O God of my Praise!

I do pray, O LORD, for Your intervention where relationships are contentious and strained. I pray for the divisions and conflicts that run rampant in the Body of Christ. The real and perceived offenses and affronts that have taken a toll on our hearts and minds and spirits.


These situations have been extremely painful and distracting. I do lift each and every one of them to You, Lord. I am helpless to change one stroke of the story. But Lord, I look to You.

I know You are the Restorer and Redeemer; the Forgiver of all our sins and oversights.

You know the whole story for each of us, surely I look to You to bring about Your perfect will for each of us and for Your Church.

Thank You that these battles are already won in Jesus Christ. Please help us and empower us to love well the Body of Christ. 


I ask in Jesus’ Name and asking, I believe I receive. Amen <3

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  1. “Lord, I do not desire to rise above these circumstances, but for my praise to rise above them.” ❤ Yes! Amen!

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