Friday thoughts and those pictures I promised <3

It’s been a week for sure.
We had the kiddos on Thursday and finished that art project I told you about …. here —>
and this is the results of putting all the pieces together.

I think they did awesome and best part was they had fun and so did we as we watched them create their own art collage.
So that’s a promise to you fulfilled and now here is the thought for the day <3
We are preparing to take a couple of trips and things leading up to the event have been less than ideal.
Real life, right?
I keep telling myself to just pack light and if you know me, that is quite a pep talk.
My packing typically takes into account every possible scenario that might arise. Weather, blisters from walking, possible allergy flares, a nice dinner?, the hotel room too hot or cold, on and on and on…
When John was traveling to Europe with his high school class the teacher/leader wisely told us to pack everything we thought we would need and remove half. It has been a valuable lesson for me that I sometimes have to relearn as I haul a heavy bag around that has stuff that goes unworn and used.
We have a saying at our house, for sure pack what can’t be replaced easily and then just pack what you think you need and you can always purchase small items when you get there.
That goes a long way to ease my stress as I make a tight list and throw things in the bag.
I am also reminded of comedian George Carlin talking about our “stuff”. His schtick went on about how we have a house full of stuff and then we pack some of that stuff to go away. When we get where we are going, we put some of that stuff into a smaller bag to take a day trip. When we get where we are going we pull out just enough of the stuff we packed to get there into a smaller bag we can carry on that outing.
I don’t have it perfectly in my memory, but you get the idea. We carry in our cars, purses, backpacks, wallets, pockets..the “stuff” we think we will need.
Stuff has weight, though.
Chiropractors will fuss at patients who carry heavy purses all day and remind them that the back was not designed to carry a five pound bag over the shoulder for extended periods of time.
A few weeks ago we finished the series “Unhindered” at our church. During the six weeks of the study and sermons, we learned about how we might just be carrying some baggage that we packed a long time ago and no longer need to be toting around.
As God continues to work in me, and hopefully all who did the study, I am now aware of some things that are heavy and weigh down my race on planet earth. And as I distance myself from sermons, probing questions and discussion with others regarding the topic, I find myself tucking some things back in my bags to carry with me.
They are comfortable and served me in the past. Habits of thought and reaction that I am familiar with.
But thankfully the Holy Spirit is ever urging me to lighten my load of thought patterns and false narratives that will just cause me more pain and slow me down.
So for you who may be in the same situation, please set your backpack for a minute and remember these words:
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:1 ESV

Let’s travel light, so we can be the light
Blessings friends <3