
From the journals <3


I have the funniest story for you, but am saving as a Friday treat. 

So as I was praying what to write to you today, I opened a journal of mine from 2012 that was in that basket by my nightstand. You know I use spiral notebooks for my daily journaling and this one had all kinds of tabs sticking out from the pages with “Journey” written on them. 

Various times, I have gone back through the numerous collection of these daily inkings to see if there was any treasures to share here. I mark the pages that I think I will one day type into this blog with a sticky tab. 

Well, as God would have it the one I looked at this morning is a prayer I wrote that seemed good for sharing today. 

When I went to mark the date it was written, wouldn’t you know…January 5, 2012. Eleven years ago today. I love how God works <3

The prayer is based on these two passages, so here are the Scriptures and the prayer:

After the fall of man, we read God’s response:

“Then the LORD called to the man, and said to him, ‘Where are you?’”

Genesis 3:9 NASB


A passage about a time Jesus was passing through the town of Jericho and a blind man urgently calls to Him for healing. 

“When he heard that it was Jesus the Nazarene, he began to cry out and say, ‘Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!’ Many were sternly telling him to be quiet, but he kept crying out all the more, ‘Son of David, have mercy on me!’ And Jesus stopped and said, ‘Call him here.’”

Mark 10: 47-49 NASB

The prayer:

Most gracious and loving Father, our Creator and Sustainer; I come to You this morning in awe and to honor Your Name — Your faithfulness. 

Simple words of thank you are inadequate to express the gratitude that wells in my heart. Your love and grace and mercy are beyond my comprehension and I am left with faulty pen and paper, trying to tell You how worthy You are. 

When I read from Your Word today – I see that in the garden – man defied You, thought he knew better what was best; chose who to listen to and lost so much – lost everything it seemed. 

But he didn’t. Only because of Your GRACE and MERCY and LOVE.

You came after them. 

You sought us out of our rebellion and disobedience. 

Then I read in Mark 10 as Jesus walked; a man cried out and would not be quiet. 

Because You sought us…

Because you sent your Son…

We cry out and will not be quiet. 

Now we seek Your Son and cry out to Him and HE responds.

Bless our interactions within His responses as we cry out in need. Write it on our hearts that we love because YOU FIRST LOVED US.

Thank you . In His name we pray, amen and amen 


Journey Onward journals, January 5, 2012
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