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I can see clearly now…

Good Thursday Hello to you <3

I hope this finds you well as we wind closer to the end of another week and remember to turn your clocks whichever way you turn them on Saturday night to save daylight.

Obviously Russ is in charge of all things involving time at our house.

On a different note, I recently got a new pair of glasses.

My prescription has changed ever so slightly and my old glasses are kind of out of date

At least according to my time management expert, Russ.

So with my new paperwork in hand, we headed off to the glasses store one day to pick out frames.

Since I don’t even like glasses and never have to look at myself wearing them, I rely heavily on Russ’s opinion and eventually we found a pair that he said looked nice.

So done and done.

When I picked up the new frames the next day, the guy who fitted them mentioned something about my worsened astigmatism and how it might be awhile before I adjusted to the new lenses.

And I vaguely remembered the eye doctor saying something about a slight change in that area.

But for me when I hear people talking about astigmatism, here is where my mind goes….

everything after they say the word is basically like Charlie Brown’s teacher talking and while they Mwah-mwahmwah-mwah….

my mind is on this little rabbit trail of…. “Is it AN astigmatism…or a stigmatism...or A astigmatism…because that last one would not be grammatically correct…” and everything else is just lost in the vast regions of my cavernous brain.

So off we went with my glasses and ignorance.

But I soon discovered in real time what all the warnings had been about.

The next morning, my phone….my bible…my notebook….all went from nice rectangles to funky trapezoid shapes.

I went back to the glasses place where the nice lady behind the counter patiently told me not to worry and once again explained the problem with…


since it turns out its not like having the flu or a cold…it’s a permanent condition that stands all on its own.

No “a” or “an”….just….


But here is the freaky part, as she explained it and I later verified on Google, of course, because…well…you know me, if it isn’t on Google….

Apparently, my brain will eventually recognize these new odd shapes as “normal” and I won’t even notice them anymore.

Please hear this.

My eyes will not eventually correct the slanted, Alice in Wonderland weirdness of what I am seeing.



My brain will adjust to the skewed image and process it as corrected.

And I just want to say right here people, we live in a very skewed world that is telling us that right is wrong and wrong is right.

So I urge you to keep fighting the push to conform to the pattern of this topsy turvy world.

Hang on fast to the biblical view you were taught and keep learning to see things from God’s perspective.

If things that are wrong are starting to look right…ask God to correct your vision.

Adjust your thinking to the Word…not the world.

Dare to live with the level of discomfort it takes to continue to see things as they are.

Resist the lull of ease that would come with accepting distorted thinking as normal.

Ask God to help you to continue to use His lens to view humanity…

yes…He is good

yes…He is kind

yes…He is faithful

but He is also just and He does command righteousness


Romans 12:1-2 (The Message)

“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life–your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life–and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.”

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