
I could get used to this <3

Just came from the 7:00 AM prayer service at church.

And I could get used to morning prayer at church…you just heard the staff collectively shake their heads and shout NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…but it’s ok…I always have church at our table, so I’m good to go.

There is something about coming together though.

Coming together with more than just me to sing and to pray and to hear God’s Word.

And I need it, not because I am devout and holy…but because I need the fellowship of believers throughout the day and week.

I need to connect with other people who love Jesus and yet struggle.

I need to hear the words of an ancient King. who had to give his own soul pep talks about worship, sung in modern words from the guitar and vocal cords of a fellow who is young enough to be one of my own children…half sung, half whispered from half-awake fellow believers to remind me….

we are on pilgrimage together…

imperfect people serving our Perfect God.

Loving, learning, praying, seeking…

Thankful for you all as we ….

journey onward <3

Bless the Lord, O my soul…yes all that is within me…bless the Lord and worship His Holiness….for He is good and faithful…He has healed all of your dis-eases and He has ransomed your life from death. He is kind and generous and pours out His love on all He has made. He does mighty works and His name is great. Call on His name and bless His name for He loves His children. Bless the Lord, O my soul…set aside your fears and your doubts…your inward focus on your own failings and bless…bless…BLESS the LORD <3

my paraphrase of Psalm 103 



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