In search of the Divine “like”….
You know I love the old school devotions…like my beloved Valley of Vision.*
Because I find in the old-fashioned wordings of prayers and thoughts written centuries ago, that while they dressed differently and dealt with different issues…we are very much alike in our struggles.
For instance, yesterday I came across this treasure on page 104 in a prayer called Living for Jesus:
“Raise me above the smiles and frowns of the world, regarding it as a light thing to be judged by men….”
Do you hear it?
Lord, help me to not look for the number of “likes” on my post…or my picture…or my status…
Our struggle to be approved of by our peers is ageless.
Whatever the arena for the times of our existence, men and women who purpose themselves to live for the glory of God have faced the temptation to measure it by the acceptance of, not only those they respect and love, but as far as the reach of their influence extends.
I knew when I made the jump to expanding the blog through social media, I would face the temptation to let that “like” button become something that matters far too much.
I am not alone in this. I see it clearly as something in our nature that we all struggle with.
So God help us to live for the only thumbs up “LIKE” that matters!
Lord, help us to strive only, every day, for the Eternal approval of Your Voice saying…”Well done, good and faithful servant.” Matthew 5:21
I added my own little prayer to the prayer in my book….
Increase Your blessings on others through me, for Your Glory <3
God bless YOU today as you seek the approval of the One for whom YOU live to serve.