Just a quick one for Friday <3
Good morning to you!
I have to be out of the house for an appointment in just a short half hour and have much magic to work with my curling iron and makeup kit…sooooooo…..
hoping I can get all this down and posted and then onward and upward for the day <3
A common saying among believers when sharing the burden of a heavy load of sorrow is that we don’t know how others do this without Jesus.
We shake our heads and know in our hearts that if we were facing our current battle in our own strength, we would be crushed under it like a paper cup on the Midway at the State Fair.
But this morning I read one of my all-time favorite quotes by Oswald Chambers…and in fairness, I actually have several hundred all-time favorite quotes of his words…but still…
this one…
“If God has made your cup sweet, drink it with grace;
if He has made it bitter, drink it in communion with Him.” Oswald Chambers/My Utmost for His Highest
And it strikes me this morning that it is not only how we handle the heartaches and disappointments, the betrayals and the abandonments, the woundings and the setbacks…
that set us apart…
it is how we handle the bounty…
the blessings…
the overflowing cup of joy.
It is the graceful way we live in the good times…
and the sacred communion of the bad times…
that marks us as His children.
The world will notice how we respond to both…
My prayer today…for me…for you…for us…who bear His image <3