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Leaning into something stronger <3


Well…it’s been a summer of unusual twists and turns. As choppy as water hitting a rocky shore, we have navigated having to split up for travel, illness, accidents, rainy weather, extreme heat, ball games, canceled ball games, camps, road construction in our neighborhood, being on a different schedule for being home with family and friends and more upheaval in the news with economy, new pandemics and what not. 

And it hasn’t seemed refreshing. 

Oh, there have been pockets of moments when we lingered on the patio in the morning or evening before the heat or bugs or rain drove us back inside. 

And we have taken some walks and fit in some quiet reading and grilled meals, but it has been a wee bit chaotic and summer seems to be rolling out of here now as July winds down and people are stocking carts with back-to-school items. 

Our annual trek to the shores of the Gulf with the kids will be here and gone in less than two weeks. And I still have a bucket list a mile long of things I hoped we could squeeze into what summer 2022 would be. 

How about you? 

Did you get to have more than one watermelon or enough corn on the cob that you actually started to get a little tired of it? Not even one s’more over the last of the coals?

Me neither. 

Covid still likes to steal joy and politicians are still spinning the news, hand in hand with the media frenzy. We have several friends who have experienced devastating loss in the past couple of weeks.

I was reading in my devotions this morning and it talked about how we have to use all the stress and all the temptations to feel overwhelmed as a motivator to lean hard into God. 

Our strength can only take us so far and I guess we can at least be thankful that in the days we are given of late, there are many reminders we need something besides our own power to keep pressing on. 

For this we can be most thankful. 

God knows what we are made of and is steadfastly available to be leaned on. 

I always like to remind myself what leaning feels like by literally leaning against a door frame or wall for a moment. 

Feel the weight of your body press against something stronger than you. 

Let the door frame or wall take on as much weight as you will release and feel the way it doesn’t move or bend as you completely rest against it. 

In the same way, God our Father is there for us throughout the day. 

When surprises come or plans change, lean into Him.

Practice this leaning on something.

Maybe even while you physically lean on a counter top or tree that will hold you up, spiritually lean into God as you pray and let Him hold the weight of your emotions and thoughts and disappointments and doubt. 

Bless you, each one, as you carry on the journey today.

Whatever way the road is taking you through, may you know He is with you always <3

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