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Let’s fashion our lives well…

We are certainly embracing spring and warmer weather around here. 

Characteristic of boys in this day and age, our band of brothers are insisting it is shorts and tank top weather. We are not so convinced, but have bigger fish to fry with them so we let it go as long as their lips aren’t turning blue. 

Joel is at that age where he has gained some independence and dresses himself and he has some fashion ideas that can be a bit hard to overlook.

It is that phase in parenting that finds an embarrassed adult standing behind a child in public, pointing downward and mouthing the words that the youngster dressed him or herself that day.

Seasoned parents could have guessed but it saves face to be able to release ensemble ownership to your preschooler. We get it. 

So yesterday he had quite a bit going on with colors and patterns when an older boy from down the street showed up in sports sandals. 

Our little guy eyed this and headed into the garage to change from his tennis shoes into his own summer footwear. 

His mom and I had quite a laugh as she quipped that maybe it detracted from all the color going on above his knees, but I thought about it later. 

What a perfect example for how our actions influence others. 

He had no thought to put those Adidas slides on until he saw an older boy wearing a pair. 

Our behavior and words and the things we display in public leave an impression that will catch the eyes of others and may end being modeled by them. 

Something to take seriously as followers of Christ. 

Paul wrote:

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

1 Corinthians 11:1

We can’t know how to lead well if we are not following well. 

Choose your role model wisely so you become a wise role model. 

And by the way….did you dress yourself today?

Because you look marvelous <3

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