
My prayer for you today <3

Yesterday’s snow fell wet and windy and cold here in Central Illinois.

And I may have been allowed to miss the beauty had not the Lord magnified it for me…


In perfect view as I lifted my eyes through the windshield of our car…

and even captured in my hand…

Version 2

In the midst of the storm, the beauty and handiwork of God in every single flake.

Intricate shapes of tiny crystals…perfect artwork…displaying the magnificent details of divine creation.

So I pray for you, today.

In the midst of whatever storm you may be battling.

That the tiny details of all that He is working will be magnified.

I pray you know and see His beauty in the midst of it all.

As surely as He formed the crystals of each snowflake, He has formed you. Made you in His image to be His image-bearer.

I pray you to bear well the image of your Maker today.

God bless you…each one of you…each beautiful, wonderfully-made one of you who finds your way to this spot today…

Know and believe you are His handiwork.

Now get out there and let’s do this thing!



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