Taste and see….
Happy Wednesday…we made it halfway through the week!
So for an exercise in praising God, how about expanding on Psalm 34:8….Taste and see that the Lord is good!
Just for fun…thinking how He might…
Honeysuckle… baked apple pie hot out of the oven…. freshly ground coffee beans …the breath of a baby….a spring rain…..a fall day….evergreens in winter….the ocean….clothes that have dried in the sun and the wind because they capture all that is clean, fresh and hold the scent of warmth and light…
How He might feel to touch….
A worn denim shirt…. a NEW denim shirt (apparently I like denim)….the soft fur of a dog’s neck (particularly the one we loved so much:our Mitzi)….baby’s hair…..the satin edge of a well loved blanket….the softest of cloths…rich velvet….the warmth of the sun….the lightness of a gentle breeze and hugs.
How He might taste…..
Rich, creamy, full and satisfying sweetness like cheesecake…homemade macaroni & cheese…the best of crusty breads…dark chocolate…jasmine tea…serious lasagna.
How He might sound…
Deep chuckling and giggles from a child…praise music…chords of a piano…the ocean waves hitting the shore…water lapping against rocks at the edge of a lake…prayers of the saints and the prayer language of dear friends…stillness…a violin played from the heart.
Look like…
the vastness of the ocean…the majesty of the mountains…the sunrise…the sunset…the pinks and purples and oranges…the sky in all its various ways of clear endless blue, then heavy clouds, then light sprays and the way the sun breaks through in rays…the delicacy of a baby’s lashes and fingers and toes…certain smiles…waterfalls…butterflies and hummingbirds…black trees against a pink sunset sky in winter…the shimmering when sunlight hits a lake…the glow on those who know Him that makes old faces look so young and alive and beautiful.
He is everything beautiful and wonderful, perfect and holy…
He is, of course greater than our senses…
beyond all that we can see, taste, smell, touch, hear…
above all that we are, think, imagine…
more that we can even hope for or comprehend…
and yet …. so very near…
I would love to see your list of things you love that you can see God in the midst of…so would He.
Maybe you could praise Him with your senses today <3
God bless!
Sooooo beautiful!
Thank you <3