
The rest of the story, to steal a line from Paul Harvey <3


Well, as Paul Harvey would say, here is the rest of the story.

After I wrote yesterday, I was going about my business as planned when I got an automated phone call that everything had been fixed with our system so if we were having no other issues, press one to cancel the tech person visit. 

It was pretty obvious that our problem had not been fixed so I was thankful that I could press two to reschedule or press three to talk to a human. 

I pressed three and was eventually connected to a woman named Sheila who had just about the most southern accent I have heard in a long while. 

Sheila and I spent the next hour and half together while she tried various methods to fix what she kept saying was the craziest problem she had ever dealt with and I continued working in the kitchen, fixed lunch, made brownies and corn bread, at lunch, did laundry and ran back and forth to the modem saying things like, “Now it’s flashing a kind of yellow light.”

As we tried various new names and passwords and plugging and unplugging equipment, she kept thanking for my patience, and calling me darlin’ and as Russ said I should have gotten her personal cell because we seemed to bond. 

On her last and final effort, as she typed on her end and then told me I could try to sign on to the wifi from my phone, I told her if she believed in Jesus say a prayer. She laughed and said she did and would. 

And hallelujer….it worked. 

She stayed with me while I connected all the other devices and we bid a fond farewell with mutual thanks and verbal high fives. She also went the extra mile and researched that strange android device and figured it was the operating systems for one or more of our smart tv’s. She said she had a similar thing happen with a Samsung signing on to her account and, after a panic session, realized it was her TV doing some kind of an update.

So here are a few takeaways:

<3 That turning it over thing worked to give me peace and that asking for wisdom thing also worked. And this time it worked out that the problem had a resolution, but even if it hadn’t, the peace that passes understanding would have carried me. 

<3 We all get frustrated with technology and those of us who remember when cell phones didn’t exist. And please note, that is not ancient history. But even tech people struggle and get frustrated. These operating systems are changing so rapidly and have so many rabbit trails that even the pros get baffled. So don’t be discouraged if you don’t understand your smart phone. 

<3 Patience truly is a virtue and kindness is its own reward. I have a terrible habit of allowing my frustration to become impatience and sarcasm with tech support. Somehow with hefty prayers to remain calm and keep my voice level and on task worked and after every call we had a nice parting of the ways. Which is so much better than feeling like a jerk when you hang up the phone. 

<3 As Russ said after dinner last night, every person I talked to was pleasant and tried their best to be helpful and that’s a positive when we hear so much negativity out in the work force. One of the girls from the first day of all the calls ended her call with telling me to have a nice evening in spite of all the trouble and God bless. 

So there are some things to think about and I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday <3

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