There are no small parts, you know <3

Well, I could probably dig deep into my store of thoughts and come up with something profound today, but unfortunately it is Opening Day for the second grade performance of “Turkey Lurkey” and one of the cast members is consuming my heart and mind. 

Since I work on Fridays, I will be unable to attend the premier. I did however, get invited to the Wednesday dress rehearsal.

It was action packed and not without drama. Sadly this is not a vegan production and while Turkey Lurkey does participate in the finale, it is clear everyone is going ahead with Plan A and there will be a roasted…no….I can’t say it.

While I won’t be there in the auditorium for the rising of the curtain, the music and words are running through my head on a loop. I have heard every song and line spoken by any and all characters to the point I could possibly step in as understudy for most of the roles myself had I been there today. 

While Caroline would have loved any of the speaking parts or solo’s..or in truth would have been happy to do “Turkey Lurkey; a One Woman Show”; she accepted her role as one of the farmers with gusto. 

As her mother would say, she has rehearsed the songs until her vocal cords bled. Not really, but you could hear the scratchy remnants of overuse even as she sang the chorus one more time before finally falling asleep last night. 

 The brothers and Lucy have sat dutifully through in-home practices and we all have patiently listened on long van rides to and from games and school. 

I told Rachel I can’t help but envision the Emotion Control center from the movie Inside Out as our Sweet Caroline has ridden the roller coaster of all the feelings this past week.

Being an empath, I have felt all of it with her and let me tell you, I’m exhausted. 

And I wouldn’t trade a minute of any of it for a prime seat on Broadway to see the newest and best show this season. 

This is the stuff of life here on planet Earth that keeps us going. 

The event itself, when shared with family through laughter and tears and memories tucked away, is pure gold. 

The best this life we call “family” has to offer. 

Our calendars will be full of concerts, programs and parties in the next few weeks. It can stretch us thin, but these moments are the snapshots we will hold in our hearts.

The memories will bring us joy and laughter in the years to come as something will inevitably trigger us to call up things like the year of Turkey Lurkey. 

Breathe deeply and savor it all.

Be present and truly feel and be thankful for the blessing. 

These moments can seem like utter chaos and then mist that passes too quietly and quickly.

Yet each memory matters much as it becomes a part of who we are as a family <3

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