
Wednesday and a perfect day for a few randoms <3

Caroline loves to play Cootie…and seems to manage to make her bug look like her depending one what she is wearing.

Girl cracks me up.

This, however, is not so funny…wow…we are being pounded.

Prayers continue for our southern friends who do not have snow plows, salt, and are struggling without heat and water.

Also remembering others who are digging out from tornados and such.

Meanwhile, we are working around drifts to make sure our feathered friends have a dine in open for their cute little selves.

Our neighbor added feeders galore to his yard, and we have seen so many new birds this year.

How do they exist in these freezing temperatures??

It’s going down.

Spring cleaning is stirring in me and I have to seize the moment.

I actually pitched some way-too-old stale things from the pantry and am contemplating washing down the inside of the fridge.

When I went to do some cleaning of blinds though, I had to phone a friend. Thankful my sister by marriage is also a gifted decorator and could help me find the name for our blinds so I could google cleaning methods.

For the kind we have you use a hair dryer to blow the dust out from the panels.

She was concerned for my windows accumulating the dust.

I laughed heartily.

As if they are not dusty too…sigh…she’s so sweet.

She’s also going to be a grandma soon!!

And that makes Russ and me Great…uncle and aunt.

So weird.

I remember when our little nephew entered our lives followed by his siblings and can’t believe we are here!

Also…pulling out the knitting has reminded me of the saints who helped me regain the skill who have since passed on. How we miss them. Hug your people <3

Okay…have a happy Wednesday.

Stay safe and warm and come back tomorrow <3

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