
Wednesday Randoms from a tired brain <3


Lucy has captured the vibe of how my cranium is operating today so here we go with whatever bubbles to the surface as I type:

Random #1


On Sunday night we had a hail storm that sounded like these were being thrown at our windows and on the roof.

I have never heard hail like it and hope to never hear again.

Our street now looks like roofers are running for office. Signs are popping up in every yard up and down the street.

Actually, most of them are probably more appealing as candidates as well as roofers. We might be on to something here.

If you are local and think because you have a new roof you are okay from the storm, go ahead and have it checked. Ours was two years old. Easy come, easy go.

Random #2

Speaking of repairs, I am sporting Russ’s wedding band until we are sure his hand won’t swell anymore following some surgery on his elbow yesterday.

He had to have a bursa sac removed and he’s doing great.

Our nurse daughter and nurse friend have happily received photos of the first bandage change.

I was praying myself up for the whole thing and these two are requesting photos.

How thankful we are for our medical friends and family <3

Random #3

We had good medicine post-surgery when we picked these two up from school. Big brothers were at track practice and so these two set up their new restaurant and served us quite a feast. Joel fashioned that grill and oven you see on the ping pong table…I mean counter.

They even made “kid’s menus” with games and puzzles on the back.

Russ and I laughed so hard as they brought out one fancy dish after another.

Our days are numbered for these kinds of shenanigans and we loved every minute of it.

Random #4


It has been a stretch for me to write straight to a keyboard over the years.

I am a pen and paper kind of writer.

So imagine my utter shock when I recently updated this website, or have worked on the newsletter for the store where I work and see the option to use AI to generate material.

I resist this with every ounce of energy in my being.

To this point, when I am typing and my phone suggests the next word…even if it was the word I was thinking of…I use a different one.

Take that Technology dictators.

I am starting to read what is written by others wondering if it was manufactured or really came from a human brain. Let’s stay original, people.

Random #5

photo credit/Rachel

This little sweetie has become a mighty prayer warrior.

Rachel had told us she led the prayer for Papi yesterday morning on the way to school.

As the evening was drawing long and big brother was struggling with a homework paper, I suggested we pray for him. She put her arm around me and as I prayed, she was nodding her head and chiming in with “Yes, yes. Thank You. Yes”

I could barely keep praying for getting choked up at her prayer of agreement.

Also, please note. This darling photo was snapped by Rachel and sister did not pick a cherry blossom. These were on the ground. So we are all perfectly in line with the statutes regarding these blossoms and the National Park Service pledge. Just to be clear.

Have a blessed day.

You are loved. Even more than a cherry blossom <3

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