A hair-raising tale….sigh…I am so bad at titles <3
I am having some thoughts rolling around this morning to share and inside my head they make perfect sense, so I hope as I type and you eventually read this, they make sense to you as well.
On the outside of my head, my skull is covered with one of the most cantankerous heads of hair. While there are few strands and what is there is thin and fine, with the aid of products and various styling tools I can give the illusion of having some body to this baby fine mess.
Yesterday I had to go from after school pick up and such for our grands to a meeting at church. I swung by home and ran in the bathroom to give my tresses a fresh curl and boost.
The late afternoon sun was coming in strong through the wood slat blinds so I didn’t flick on the light. As I worked, the sun and slats created a stripe pattern on my head and where the sun hit, there was my hair; but wherever the shadow of the blinds fell, I looked like I had nothing at all.
I mean I knew for sure my hair was there, but looking in the mirror it certainly was not visible.
It was so bizarre.
As I would curl a section it looked like half of it had taken and half had disappeared.
Finally I reached over and switched the lights over the sink on and sure enough, I could see I actually did have all my few hairs accounted for and they were taking the curl.
Shadows are deceiving.
When I had been driving home, the lowering sun caused the windmills off to the side to create swooping shadows across the road. I jumped a few times thinking something was running out in front of me, but it was just the silhouette of those blades flitting across the highway.
Shadows are deceiving.
Shadows create dark places, but when light is shined on the shadow, it is revealed as the illusion that is I the nature of shadows.
Sure light creates shadows.
I get that.
When an object gets in the way of the source of light, a shadow is formed.
But bring the light directly over the object and the shadow dissipates.
And I wonder what shadows might creep into your day today.
Would you bring them into the full light of the One who died for you and let Him bring clarity and truth?
God bless you
You are dearly and deeply and eternally loved <3