
A to Z


We had sunshine…all day today! Seriously!

So I took a walk…and as I walked, I tried something Ruth Graham mentioned at the Teen Challenge dinner.

She talked about using the alphabet to name God’s attributes and character.

So I gave it a whirl…and here is what I came up with….

A…adorable, Adonai, accessible

B…beautiful, benefactor, benevolent, bestowing, blessing

C…compassionate, caring, concerned, conscientious

D…darling, dear, Daddy, divine, delivering, delightful

E…eternal, everlasting, encompassing, essential, everything

F…faithful, Father, forgiving, fantastic

G…gracious, grace-filled, giving, gorgeous, generous, gentle

H…handsome, heavenly, holy, humble, helpful

I…inviting, impossible – worker (as in, He can do the impossible…), invigorating

J…joyful, joy-giving, just

K….kind, King, keeper of my heart

L…loving, loyal, LORD, lasting, lovely

M…magnificent, majestic, miracle worker, Most High, marvelous

O…omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, over all things

P…present, perfect, patient, protecting

Q…quiet, quick, quaint

R…real, restful, resurrected, risen, royal, righteous, restoring

S…safe, sweet, sure, Savior

T…terrific, terrible (as in AWESOME and MIGHTY), touching, teaching, tangible

U…unlimited, unparalleled, unending, unbelievably merciful

V…victorious, valiant

W…wonderful, way beyond my expectations

X…x-ray vision (He sees right through things), Xcellent (X is a tough one, ok)


Z…zenith (look it up…He really is….)

Oh…I hope you enjoyed that…

He is the Alpha and the Omega….the beginning and the end….

have some fun and try it yourself… would love to hear what YOU came up with that made you smile <3



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