
At the end of the day

It must have started in board rooms because I hear it mostly from men who work long hours inside the walls of the corporate world. Inside the walls of a world that I have never had to cope with. Where deals are made and kingdoms are built ….. for a time…. for a season…until new players take the field and new deals and kingdoms are on the line.

“At the end of the day….”, they say, and it’s all about realizing priorities.

It’s used by men I know who seem to know that in the end, it’s important to really know what really matters.

It speaks of wisdom that comes with years.

“At the end of the day…”, they say, and it seems that this always leads to some kind of insight about relationships. Relationships with God, with family, with friends.

“At the end of the day….”, they say, and they speak about realizing that success is really measured in how much was surrendered, not compromised.

“At the end of the day….”, they say, and there is a quiet strength and a resolve to start again tomorrow with the same integrity, the same dedication, the same faith that carried them to …….


the end of the day <3

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