
1 and 3


Saturday was the big day! We celebrated Graham’s 3rd and Emmett’s 1st birthdays!

I have 212 photos I could share….but well….we do have lives…..

so here is a little photo journal of the main event. Because in all things celebratory, it’s really about the …..


yeah….and a little brag moment, but our Rachel did these herself with no pattern, thank you very much….


Please note the blue icing on Emmett’s hands….and the fact that his cake was the green one….


Well at least he had some of his own – to go.

As Tia pointed out, it IS a smash cake…..

We thank God for both of these little guys and the blessing of God to grant us these children to love and be loved by. May God fulfill the longing of your heart today <3


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